I Write
It is ironic that when asked why I write I am at a loss for words. I
suppose that I write because I rarely have nothing to say. In a world
where spontaneous verbal outbursts are generally frowned upon, writing becomes
the only viable outlet.
Recently a friend of mine asked me what my ideal job would entail. After
a moment of thought it came to me; I want to talk all day long.
Naturally, she suggested teaching. But she didn't understand. I
want to spend my days talking about the things that interest me: my everyday musings
and observations. Things that matter to no one, but affect everyone.
I want to spend a four-hour car ride contemplating the invention of the
automatic seat-belt. Who came up with this creation? Were the government
and car manufacturers in alliance to encourage car safety? And why are
humans so intent on such simplifications? As you can imagine, not many
people are so fascinated by my boundless curiosities. But I would suffer
greatly without an outlet for all of my questions: the things I need to know and
want other people to think about.
So I write. I write because I know no one who cares. I write
because I know there is someone who cares. I write for my own
sanity. I write because with my pen I can translate the language of my
mind. I write because it is the only thing I have ever loved. I
write because words are my medium, my art.
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