I'm a Bit of a Facial Hair Enthusiast

While my personal policy pertaining to beards is go big or go home, I can't really refute this.

An Apple a Day... Doesn't Make the World a Better Place

I can begin to understand a certain genre of theft.  There are little children who's protruding bellies are filled with nothing but air, their flesh tinged with a grayish hint of malnutrition.  Men and women with skin sagging off their feeble bones, lines etched into their faces telling stories of a heartbreaking existence.  So they take.  Little hands slip easily into the pockets of strangers in hopes that they might gain even a sliver of sustenance.  And plastic bottles of vodka go missing from grocery stores, their contents pass through lips, slide down throats, and eventually feed blackened livers.  And is it right?  No.  Fair? Of course not, but this is reality.

What I cannot accept or ever condone, is stealing for sport.  Taking what you want from other people, simply because they have and you don't.  The problem is that this kind of behavior will always exist because greed is part of human nature.  Self interest is the downfall of man.

Pretend with me for a moment: Adam and Eve.  Let us assume a common reading of this text: that people are overcome by greed.  Adam and Eve were given the Garden of Eden, containing everything they could ever need, but they still wanted more.  So they break the one rule God set out for them and eat from tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Now, I don't believe this story to be true, but I do think it is one of the earliest commentaries of human inadequacy.  It is a basic explanation of  why nothing works in this world.

Sir Winston Churchill said, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."  And it is so.  Democracy has lost all of its meaning as the people we elect fuck us over on a daily basis so that they can serve themselves.  A free market is a beautiful idea, but because of dishonesty and greed, capitalism has become a blemish on society.

Why not advocate communism, socialism?  You might ask.  How are they any different?  The problems may vary but the reason is the same, people are motivated by helping themselves.  Without this incentive the world doesn't rotate.  I can't see a way that we can change this.

I wish it weren't so, but it is.  I am a realist, which often makes me a cynic.  I truly believe it doesn't matter what sort of economy or government we have, this universal flaw will continue darken our world until it is black.  I'm just left to hope that I'm not around to see it.

"Salutations!"- a spider called Charlotte

Hello there and welcome!- Essentially, I am talking to myself here, because of two facts: 1. I have just now started this, my first ever blog, and certainly deserve to be welcomed. And 2. I am currently the only person to visit this site (see item one), therefore I have taken on the roles of both the addresser and addressee.  I shan't fret about it though, since this isn't the first conversation I've had with myself, nor will it be the last.

The initial intention for my first post was to send the response I had to the news of my friend's bike being stolen out into the world. Then I discovered the template design option.  Needless to say, four hours and millions of color-combinations later, no deep, mind-bending analysis of the ordinary has been composed.  As sleep deprivation has begun to take its toll on my mind an body, no such post will be born tonight.  But worry not, non-existent worrier! There is always tomorrow.

So if anyone has happened upon my humble beginnings, please do not give up on me yet!  Tune in tomorrow to read a commentary on the flaws of humanity.  Perhaps you wont be disappointed.  

**** Spoiler Alert ****
Literary biblical analysis in connection to the failures of man will ensue!

Goodnight moon,