"Salutations!"- a spider called Charlotte

Hello there and welcome!- Essentially, I am talking to myself here, because of two facts: 1. I have just now started this, my first ever blog, and certainly deserve to be welcomed. And 2. I am currently the only person to visit this site (see item one), therefore I have taken on the roles of both the addresser and addressee.  I shan't fret about it though, since this isn't the first conversation I've had with myself, nor will it be the last.

The initial intention for my first post was to send the response I had to the news of my friend's bike being stolen out into the world. Then I discovered the template design option.  Needless to say, four hours and millions of color-combinations later, no deep, mind-bending analysis of the ordinary has been composed.  As sleep deprivation has begun to take its toll on my mind an body, no such post will be born tonight.  But worry not, non-existent worrier! There is always tomorrow.

So if anyone has happened upon my humble beginnings, please do not give up on me yet!  Tune in tomorrow to read a commentary on the flaws of humanity.  Perhaps you wont be disappointed.  

**** Spoiler Alert ****
Literary biblical analysis in connection to the failures of man will ensue!

Goodnight moon,


1 comment:

  1. ok id just like to say... as your best friend. that my first blog post was almost exactly like this one. admitting talking to myself yet still rambling on as if someone was reading but in your case you had me to read it so i guess that makes us different. also my second post was my unbearable dislike for the relationship culture aka flaw of humanity so once again (if you stick to the promises made through this post) we are the same person. i love you.
